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Impeach Bush & Cheney to prevent World Wide War


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The two chief suspects of the 9-11 Crimes Against Humanity; for the purpose of empowering the Power of Armies and the Might of Riches over all the affairs of this world are George Bush and Dick Cheney. Criminal investigations into the secret and sorted affairs of these two individuals over the years they have been in power in public offices will prove beyond any shadow of doubting that these two men and all those who assisted them in reaching these public offices are not morally fit, intellectually competent, or socially loyal to hold public offices representing the will of the people and the laws of the land. They have fraudulently occupied these high offices through the use of cunning deceptions, terror, intimidation, contemptible manipulations, the plotting of murder, and frequent lies throughout their careers in public office as well as in their personal lives outside of these appointments. The impeachment and investigation of their acts will help offset the disasters they have embarked upon. As the world sees our willingness to subject all of our citizens to the same fair and just rule of law, regardless of the positions they hold in our society our honor and loyalty to peace in the eyes of the people of the world will be restored. Upon the impartiality, fairness, and integrity of its courts the endurance of a nation depends. Civil government is founded on justice, even as true religion is founded on mercy. Let us never forget these laws of relation to the will of God and the way of the PEACEMAKER. Evil is the unconscious or unintended transgression of the divine law, the Father's will. Evil is likewise the measure of the imperfectness of obedience to the Father's will. Sin is the conscious, knowing, and deliberate transgression of the divine law, the Father's will. Sin is the measure of unwillingness to be divinely led and spiritually directed. Iniquity is the willful, determined, and persistent transgression of the divine law, the Father's will. Iniquity is the measure of the continued rejection of the Father's loving plan of personality survival and the Sons' merciful ministry of salvation. Let the Spirit of Truth and Prince of Peace lead the way to every upright path and it will ever prove true that the TRUTH never suffers from honest examination.

Click this TEXT to read the overview of their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

Click   to activate the hyperlinks in the Photo Below!

Caution --- True images of WAR.--- The links in the Photo below contain graphic images more in keeping with the inhumanity and outrage of modern day WAR. It is the stark, honest and iniquitous realities of war that will help in the effort of PEACEMAKERS throughout the world to make this saying TRUE. --- "AND THEY SHALL BEAT THEIR SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES, AND THEIR SPEARS INTO PRUNING HOOKS: NATION SHALL NOT LIFT UP SWORD AGAINST NATION, NEITHER SHALL THEY LEARN WAR ANY MORE " Isa. 2:4.Caution --- True images of WAR.--- The links in the Photo below contain graphic images more in keeping with the inhumanity and outrage of modern day WAR. It is the stark, honest and iniquitous realities of war that will help in the effort of PEACEMAKERS throughout the world to make this saying TRUE. --- "AND THEY SHALL BEAT THEIR SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES, AND THEIR SPEARS INTO PRUNING HOOKS: NATION SHALL NOT LIFT UP SWORD AGAINST NATION, NEITHER SHALL THEY LEARN WAR ANY MORE " Isa. 2:4.

Click this Link to DENOUNCE these enemies of DEMOCRACY and True REPRESENTATIVE Government


No Faith Son of God sends their children off into foreign nations to murder their enemies, men, women and even the little children! Only those sons of self love who believe in the might of armies and the power of riches commit these offences against God and their fellow man.! In the past 16 years Americans have killed 1,000,000 people in Iraq mostly civilians and even many little children.





President Hugo Chavez, Address to the United Nations Hegemony or Survival
Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, North Korea -- Hell Breaking Loose Everywhere! by: Bob Kendall
The Bush Policy of Pillage and Plunder; The Road to U.S. Self-Destruction by: Bob Kendall
The March to War by: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya We bring to the attention of our readers, this carefully documented review of the ongoing naval build-up and deployment of coalition forces in the Middle East.
The Case for Impeachment by: Lewis Lapham 
The Gag Rule by: Lewis Lapham  The Gag Rule On the Suppression of Dissent and the Stifling of Democracy by: Lewis Lapham
Impeachment by: Elizabeth Holtzman Finally, it has started. People have begun to speak of impeaching President George W. Bush
The Cheney Cabal by: Dr. Gordon Prather
Impeachment by the People by: Howard Zinn   Courage is in short supply in Washington, D.C. The realities of the Iraq War cry out for the overthrow of a government that is criminally responsible for death, mutilation, torture, humiliation, chaos. But all we hear in the nation’s capital, which is the source of those catastrophes, is a whimper from the Democratic Party, muttering and nattering about “unity” and “bipartisanship,” in a situation that calls for bold action to immediately reverse the present course
Bush Is Not Above the Law by: James Bamford Last August, a federal judge found that the president of the United States broke the law, committed a serious felony and violated the Constitution. Had the president been an ordinary citizen — someone charged with bank robbery or income tax evasion — the wheels of justice would have immediately begun to turn. The F.B.I. would have conducted an investigation, a United States attorney’s office would have impaneled a grand jury and charges would have been brought.
Empire v. Democracy by: Chalmers Johnson History tells us that one of the most unstable political combinations is a country -- like the United States today -- that tries to be a domestic democracy and a foreign imperialist. Why this is so can be a very abstract subject. Perhaps the best way to offer my thoughts on this is to say a few words about my new book, Nemesis, and explain why I gave it the subtitle, "The Last Days of the American Republic." Nemesis is the third book to have grown out of my research over the past eight years. I never set out to write a trilogy on our increasingly endangered democracy, but as I kept stumbling on ever more evidence of the legacy of the imperialist pressures we put on many other countries as well as the nature and size of our military empire, one book led to another.
Playing The Numbers Game in Iraq by Jane Bright American body counters apparently do not tally up the number of nationals we kill when we invade and occupy a country, which is why we can only estimate the appalling number of Iraqi dead. For this reason I must estimate conservatively that the U.S. government has been responsible for, either directly or indirectly, the deaths of well over 1,000,000 Iraqis and nearly 4,000 American and allied military personnel in the past 16 years.
The Criminalization of US Foreign Policy by Michel Chossudovsky The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, "a long war", which threatens the future of humanity. At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable, a nuclear holocaust which could potentially spread, in terms of radioactive fallout, over a large part of the Middle East. There is mounting evidence that the Bush Administration, in liaison with Israel and NATO, is planning the launching of a nuclear war against Iran, ironically, in retaliation for Tehran's nonexistent nuclear weapons program. The US-Israeli military operation is said to be in "an advanced state of readiness".


A collection of Facts and Truth:

History teaches that underestimating the words of evil and ambitious men is a terrible mistake. In the early 1900s, an exiled lawyer in Europe published a pamphlet called "What is to be Done?" --in which he laid out his plan to launch a communist revolution in Russia. The world did not heed Lenin's words, and paid a terrible price. The Soviet Empire he established killed tens of millions, and brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war. In the 1920s, a failed Austrian painter published a book in which he explained his intention to build an Aryan super-state in Germany and take revenge on Europe and eradicate the Jews. The world ignored Hitler's words, and paid a terrible price. In September 2001 George Bush declared a War against Terror to be fought in the lands of other Nations. Will the people knowing the history of violent Wars stop those who believe in the Might of Armies before the catastrophic disaster of a modern day WORLD WAR conducted by THE POWER OF ARMIES  and empowered by the MIGHT OF RICHES and the destructive ability of blind science to engage in a war that in the present light of scientific advancement is racially suicidal.

It is interesting to note, that the reason given for such a global and suicidal war against the so called "AXIS OF EVIL" is totally blind of the facts.!   John Mueller, a political science professor at Ohio State, reminds us that the number of the "innocents" killed as Bush describes is "not much higher than the number of people who drown in bathtubs in the United States in a single year." He goes on to estimate that "the lifetime chance of an American being killed by international terrorism is about 1 in 80,000-about the same chance of being killed by a comet or a meteoroid."

Noted political scientist Dr Michael Parenti sees fascism as a tool employed by ruthless power elites to achieve their ends. "And what they've learned in the more than 80 years since its origin is that they can achieve many of these things - more securely perhaps - while retaining a democratic veneer.

"The essence of fascism, I believe, is in its output. And its output is a system which systematically redistributes wealth from the many to the few, and ensures the domination of giant cartels over the whole political economy," Parenti said. By eliminating the traditional fascist symbolism and mannerisms, by putting white gloves on it, if you will, Parenti sees the use of "plain old Americanism" as the "cloak around which people will rally and give the president these extraordinary powers, and surrender their own liberty and the like". This is the rule of the fortunate wealthy few over the unfortunate many, the real nobility behind who through honest efforts of mind and body have brought to mankind to the beginning stages of advanced civilization.

Reflecting on the high military expenditures, the nature of America's tax structure, and the evolving nature of its economic structure, Parenti warned that an agenda not dissimilar to that of fascism appeared to be ongoing, but "without having to go all the way and destroy every little shred of democracy". His forthcoming book, Super-Patriotism, explores how patriotic pride and fear is exploited. For those interested new revelations to this world, the Urantia Teachings fully disclose and predict the present problems of mankind, Political Tyranny
(Warring Tyrants) - Economic Slavery - (The wealthy fortunate few ruling over the unfortunate many) and an onrushing Police State Rule (The necessary force to keep the rank and file of humanity subservient to Political Tyrants and Economic Money Masters.) The text of these new revelations can be found HERE. on this web server.

Famed social psychologist Erich Fromm has stated that "In spite of a veneer of optimism and initiative, modern man is overcome by a profound feeling of powerlessness which makes him gaze towards approaching catastrophes as though he were paralyzed," He also observed early on that "truth is one of the strongest weapons of those who have no power".


Note: it is imperative that both Bush and Cheney are removed from power at the same time These men posses dangerous criminal minds and outrages ideas that pose a treat to the Peace and well being not only to United States but to the well being and peaceful growth of the entire world! The RULE OF LAW  is not just if any citizen of a nation can exempt him/her self from the Laws of the Country. The guilty must be punished and the innocent must go free or the Rule of Law has been discarded in favor of an elite ruling class above all laws. These sons of self love will destroy representative government and establish Political Tyranny and Police State Rule. The citizens of such a nation are the bond servants of the wealthy ruling class.

Last August, a federal judge found that the president of the United States broke the law, committed a serious felony and violated the Constitution. Had the president been an ordinary citizen — someone charged with bank robbery or income tax evasion — the wheels of justice would have immediately begun to turn. The F.B.I. would have conducted an investigation, a United States attorney’s office would have impaneled a grand jury and charges would have been brought.


BETHLEHEM, April 01, 2003 (Online): The Church of Nativity, widely believed to be the birth-place of Jesus Christ, decided to ban entry each of the US President George Bush, his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Foreign Secretary Jack Straw the privilege of visiting this sacred place, which is one of the holiest Christian shrines.

The move came in protest of "the aggressive war these leaders have waged against Iraq," top Clergy of the church said.

The Church Parishioner Father Panaritius made the decision public at a massive protest demonstration organized by Orthodox institutions in front of the Church of Nativity."They are war criminals and murderers of children. Therefore the Church of Nativity decided to ban them access into the holy shrine for ever," the parishioner said.





Presented by Paul & Monica Kemp


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